Monday, November 18, 2024

Texas Court Vacates DOL 2024 Salary Threshold Rule Nationwide

By Michele L. Jakubs*

The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas vacated the Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) 2024 Rule that would have rendered millions of executive, administrative and professional employees nonexempt on January 1, 2025. The DOL 2024 Rule would have increased the salary threshold required for the most commonly used exemptions under the FLSA. Employees are exempt from overtime if they are paid on a salary basis and meet the duties requirements for one of these exemptions: executive, administrative, or professional.

The Court, in Texas v. DOL, previously issued a preliminary injunction preventing the DOL from enforcing the July 1, 2024 salary increase ($844 per week) for Texas as an employer only. On Friday, the Court ruled that the DOL did not have the authority to enact a rule that essentially replaced the duties tests for exempt status with a salary test and vacated the DOL rule nationwide. The Court stated that the exemptions require “that an employee’s status turn on duties—not salary—and because the 2024 Rule’s changes make salary predominate over duties for millions of employees, the changes exceed the Department’s authority to define and delimit the relevant terms.” The Court went on to state: “When a third of otherwise exempt employees who the Department acknowledges meet the duties test are nonetheless rendered nonexempt because of an atextual proxy characteristic—the increased salary level—something has gone seriously awry.”

Ultimately, the Court vacated the DOL’s 2024 Rule in its entirety. The DOL may appeal the decision or issue a revised rule. For now, however, the salary threshold for the executive, administrative and professional exemptions remains at the pre-2024 level of $684 per week or $35,568 per year and at $107,432 per year for highly compensated employees.

*If you have questions relating to the DOL’s new rule, or any other labor and employment law issues, please contact Zashin & Rich’s Wage and Hour Practice Leader, Michele Jakubs ( at (216) 696-4441.